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Returns a paginated list of the global email routes configured in Intercode. (Convention-specific email routing is controlled via that convention's StaffPositions.)

filters: EmailRouteFiltersInput
page: Int
per_page: Int
sort: [SortInput!]
): EmailRoutesPagination!


email_routes_paginated.filters ● EmailRouteFiltersInput input

Filters to restrict what items will appear in the result set. ● Int scalar

The page number to return from the result set. Page numbers start with 1.

email_routes_paginated.per_page ● Int scalar

The number of items to return per page. Defaults to 20, can go up to 200.

email_routes_paginated.sort ● [SortInput!] list input

A set of fields to use for ordering the result set. The second field is used as a tiebreaker for the first, the third field is used as a tiebreaker for the first two, and so on. If the sort argument is missing or empty, the order of items will be left up to the database (and may be unpredictable).


EmailRoutesPagination object