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A CMS parent is a web site managed by Intercode. It acts as a container for CMS content, such as pages, partials, files, layouts, variables, content groups, and user-defined GraphQL queries.

Most CMS parents are conventions, so their content will be convention-specific and scoped to that convention's domain name. The exception to this is the root site, which is what Intercode renders when there is no convention associated with the current domain name. (See the RootSite object for more details about this.)

interface CmsParent {
id: ID!
): CmsContentGroup!
cmsContentGroups: [CmsContentGroup!]!
cmsFiles: [CmsFile!]!
cmsGraphqlQueries: [CmsGraphqlQuery!]!
cmsLayouts: [CmsLayout!]!
cmsNavigationItems: [CmsNavigationItem!]!
id: ID
rootPage: Boolean
slug: String
): Page!
cmsPages: [Page!]!
cmsPartials: [CmsPartial!]!
cmsVariables: [CmsVariable!]!
defaultLayout: CmsLayout!
path: String!
): CmsLayout!
query: String!
): SearchResult!
id: ID!
liquidAssigns: [LiquidAssign!]!
content: String!
): String!
eventId: ID
eventProposalId: ID
markdown: String!
): String!
rootPage: Page!
name: String
): [CmsContent!]!


CmsParent.cmsContentGroup ● CmsContentGroup! non-null object

Finds a CMS content group by ID within the domain name of this HTTP request. If there is no CMS content group with that ID, or the CMS content group is associated with a different domain name, errors out. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the CMS content group to find.

CmsParent.cmsContentGroups ● [CmsContentGroup!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS content groups within the current domain.

CmsParent.cmsFiles ● [CmsFile!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS files within the current domain.

CmsParent.cmsGraphqlQueries ● [CmsGraphqlQuery!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS GraphQL queries within the current domain.

CmsParent.cmsLayouts ● [CmsLayout!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS layouts within the current domain.

CmsParent.cmsNavigationItems ● [CmsNavigationItem!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS navigation items within the current domain.

CmsParent.cmsPage ● Page! non-null object

Finds a CMS page within the domain name of this HTTP request. Exactly one of the three optional arguments (id, slug, and rootPage) must be specified. These each represent a different way of finding a page. If the desired page can't be found within the current domain name, errors out. ● ID scalar

The ID of the page to find.

CmsParent.cmsPage.rootPage ● Boolean scalar

If true, returns the root page for this domain.

CmsParent.cmsPage.slug ● String scalar

The unique slug of the page to find.

CmsParent.cmsPages ● [Page!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS pages within the current domain.

CmsParent.cmsPartials ● [CmsPartial!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS partials within the current domain.

CmsParent.cmsVariables ● [CmsVariable!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS variables within the current domain.

CmsParent.defaultLayout ● CmsLayout! non-null object

Returns the default CMS layout used in this domain.

CmsParent.effectiveCmsLayout ● CmsLayout! non-null object

Returns the CMS layout to be used for a particular URL path within the current domain. (This will be the page-specific layout if the URL corresponds to a page with a layout override, or the default layout for the domain otherwise.)

CmsParent.effectiveCmsLayout.path ● String! non-null scalar

The path to find the effective layout for.

CmsParent.fullTextSearch ● SearchResult! non-null object

Does a full-text search within this domain.

CmsParent.fullTextSearch.query ● String! non-null scalar

The text to search for. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of this object.

CmsParent.liquidAssigns ● [LiquidAssign!]! non-null object

Returns all the Liquid assigns for regular CMS page rendering in the current domain name. This is a combination of globally-accessible Liquid assigns and domain-specific user-defined CMS variables.

CmsParent.previewLiquid ● String! non-null scalar

Given a Liquid text string, renders it to HTML and returns the result.

CmsParent.previewLiquid.content ● String! non-null scalar

The Liquid content to render.

CmsParent.previewMarkdown ● String! non-null scalar

Given a Markdown text string, renders it to HTML and returns the result.

CmsParent.previewMarkdown.eventId ● ID scalar

The event ID that this Markdown will apply to, if applicable.

CmsParent.previewMarkdown.eventProposalId ● ID scalar

The event proposal ID that this Markdown will apply to, if applicable.

CmsParent.previewMarkdown.markdown ● String! non-null scalar

The Markdown content to render.

CmsParent.rootPage ● Page! non-null object

The CMS page used for the root path (/) of this domain.

CmsParent.typeaheadSearchCmsContent ● [CmsContent!]! non-null union

Finds CMS content by partial name, case-insensitive, within the current domain's CMS content. For example, in a convention that has a partial called attendee_profile and a page called info_for_attendees, a search for attendee would return both of these.

This query is always limited to a maximum of 10 results. ● String scalar

The partial name to search by. If not specified, returns all CMS content within the current domain (limited to 10 results).

Returned By

cmsParentByDomain query ● cmsParentByRequestHost query

Implemented By

Convention object ● RootSite object