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An input for creating or modifying Conventions.

input ConventionInput {
accepting_proposals: Boolean
catchAllStaffPositionId: ID
clickwrap_agreement: String
defaultCurrencyCode: String
defaultLayoutId: ID
domain: String
email_from: String
email_mode: EmailMode
ends_at: Date
event_mailing_list_domain: String
favicon: Upload
hidden: Boolean
language: String
location: Json
maximum_event_signups: ScheduledValueInput @deprecated
maximum_tickets: Int
name: String
openGraphImage: Upload
rootPageId: ID
show_event_list: ShowSchedule
show_schedule: ShowSchedule
signup_automation_mode: SignupAutomationMode
signup_mode: SignupMode
signup_requests_open: Boolean
site_mode: SiteMode
starts_at: Date
ticket_mode: TicketMode
ticket_name: String
timezone_mode: TimezoneMode
timezone_name: String


ConventionInput.accepting_proposals ● Boolean scalar

Is this convention currently accepting event proposals?

ConventionInput.catchAllStaffPositionId ● ID scalar

The ID of the StaffPosition to set as the catch-all for inbound emails.

ConventionInput.clickwrap_agreement ● String scalar

The clickwrap agreement for the convention, in Liquid format.

ConventionInput.defaultCurrencyCode ● String scalar

The ISO 4217 currency code to use as the default for products in this convention.

ConventionInput.defaultLayoutId ● ID scalar

The ID of the CmsLayout to use as the default layout for pages in this convention.

ConventionInput.domain ● String scalar

The domain name to use for serving this convention web site.

ConventionInput.email_from ● String scalar

The default address to send site emails from.

ConventionInput.email_mode ● EmailMode enum

How this convention site should handle incoming emails to its domain.

ConventionInput.ends_at ● Date scalar

When this convention ends.

ConventionInput.event_mailing_list_domain ● String scalar

A domain to use to set up forwarding email addresses for event teams.

ConventionInput.favicon ● Upload scalar

A favicon image to serve to browsers on this site.

ConventionInput.hidden ● Boolean scalar

Should this event be hidden from CMS content on the root site?

ConventionInput.language ● String scalar

The language code to use for localized content in this site (e.g. 'en' for English, 'es' for Spanish).

ConventionInput.location ● Json scalar

The physical location of this convention, in Mapbox format.

ConventionInput.maximum_event_signups ● ScheduledValueInput deprecated input


Please use SignupRound instead

The schedule of how many signups are allowed in this convention and when.

ConventionInput.maximum_tickets ● Int scalar

The maximum number of tickets this convention should be able to sell. ● String scalar

The name of this convention.

ConventionInput.openGraphImage ● Upload scalar

The image that should be served from this site using the <meta property="og:image"> tag. For more information about OpenGraph, see

ConventionInput.rootPageId ● ID scalar

The ID of the Page to serve at the root path (/) of this convention site.

ConventionInput.show_event_list ● ShowSchedule enum

Who should be able to see the event catalog?

ConventionInput.show_schedule ● ShowSchedule enum

Who should be able to see the event schedule?

ConventionInput.signup_automation_mode ● SignupAutomationMode enum

The type of signup automation to use for this convention.

ConventionInput.signup_mode ● SignupMode enum

The signup mode to use for this convention.

ConventionInput.signup_requests_open ● Boolean scalar

In a moderated-signup convention, should signup requests currently be allowed?

ConventionInput.site_mode ● SiteMode enum

The mode this convention site should operate in.

ConventionInput.starts_at ● Date scalar

When this convention starts.

ConventionInput.ticket_mode ● TicketMode enum

The mode to use for ticket behaviors in this convention.

ConventionInput.ticket_name ● String scalar

The word this convention should use for 'ticket'.

ConventionInput.timezone_mode ● TimezoneMode enum

The mode to use for time zone display and time conversion behavior in this site.

ConventionInput.timezone_name ● String scalar

The home time zone for this convention.

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CreateConventionInput input ● UpdateConventionInput input