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A user-defined constraint on how many events the ranked choice algorithm should sign them up for. This can be time-bounded, and a user can have as many or as few of these as they like.

input RankedChoiceUserConstraintInput {
finish: Date
maximumSignups: Int
start: Date


RankedChoiceUserConstraintInput.finish ● Date scalar

The time at which this constraint stops applying (non-inclusive). If null, this constraint is unbounded on the finish side.

RankedChoiceUserConstraintInput.maximumSignups ● Int scalar

The maximum number of counted signups to be allowed in the timespan described by this constraint.

RankedChoiceUserConstraintInput.start ● Date scalar

The time at which this constraint starts applying (inclusive). If null, this constraint is unbounded on the start side.

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CreateRankedChoiceUserConstraintInput input ● UpdateRankedChoiceUserConstraintInput input