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A CMS page, viewable at a location under /pages/.

type Page {
admin_notes: String
cms_layout: CmsLayout
content: String
content_html: String!
current_ability_can_delete: Boolean!
current_ability_can_update: Boolean!
hidden_from_search: Boolean!
id: ID!
meta_description: String
name: String
referenced_partials: [CmsPartial!]!
skip_clickwrap_agreement: Boolean
slug: String


Page.admin_notes ● String scalar

Notes on this page that will be visible to site admins

Page.cms_layout ● CmsLayout object

If present, the layout to use for rendering this page. If not, this page will use the default layout for its CMS parent.

Page.content ● String scalar

The content of this page, in Liquid format

Page.content_html ● String! non-null scalar

The rendered content of this page, in HTML format

Page.current_ability_can_delete ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Is the user making this request allowed to delete this page?

Page.current_ability_can_update ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Is the user making this request allowed to update this page?

Page.hidden_from_search ● Boolean! non-null scalar

If true, this page will not be indexed for full-text search. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of this page.

Page.meta_description ● String scalar

If present, this value will be used in the <meta property="og:description"> and <meta name="description"> tags in the <head> of this page, which are used as the preview text for links to this page on web sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

If absent, the description text will be automatically generated from the page content. ● String scalar

The title of this page

Page.referenced_partials ● [CmsPartial!]! non-null object

An automatically-generated list of CMS partials referenced by this page (and any partials referenced by those, etc.)

Page.skip_clickwrap_agreement ● Boolean scalar

If true, this page will not require the user to agree to the site's clickwrap agreement (if applicable) in order to view it. This should be used on any pages referenced in the clickwrap agreement, such as site policies.

Page.slug ● String scalar

The URL portion after /pages/ at which this page can be viewed

Member Of

CmsNavigationItem object ● CmsParent interface ● Convention object ● CreatePagePayload object ● DeletePagePayload object ● RootSite object ● UpdatePagePayload object

Implemented By

CmsContent union ● SearchableModel union