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A Convention in Intercode is essentially a web site hosted by Intercode. A Convention can represent an actual, real-world convention (and this is probably the most common use case), but it can also represent a single event (if the site_mode is set to single_event) or a series of events over time (if the site_mode is set to event_series).

They're called Convention for historical reasons, because naming is hard. Sorry. It's probably best to think of them as "web site."

type Convention implements CmsParent {
accepting_proposals: Boolean
bio_eligible_user_con_profiles: [UserConProfile!]!
canceled: Boolean!
catch_all_staff_position: StaffPosition
clickwrap_agreement: String
clickwrap_agreement_html: String
id: ID!
): CmsContentGroup!
cmsContentGroups: [CmsContentGroup!]!
cmsFiles: [CmsFile!]!
cmsGraphqlQueries: [CmsGraphqlQuery!]!
cmsLayouts: [CmsLayout!]!
cmsNavigationItems: [CmsNavigationItem!]!
id: ID
rootPage: Boolean
slug: String
): Page!
cmsPages: [Page!]!
cmsPartials: [CmsPartial!]!
cmsVariables: [CmsVariable!]!
id: ID!
): Coupon!
filters: CouponFiltersInput
page: Int
per_page: Int
sort: [SortInput!]
): CouponsPagination!
created_at: Date
defaultLayout: CmsLayout!
default_currency_code: String
departments: [Department!]!
domain: String
path: String!
): CmsLayout!
email_from: String!
email_mode: EmailMode!
ends_at: Date
id: ID!
): Event!
current_ability_can_read_event_proposals: Boolean
): [EventCategory!]!
event_mailing_list_domain: String
id: ID!
): EventProposal!
filters: EventProposalFiltersInput
page: Int
per_page: Int
sort: [SortInput!]
): EventProposalsPagination!
filters: EventFiltersInput
finish: Date
includeDropped: Boolean
start: Date
): [Event!]!
filters: EventFiltersInput
page: Int
per_page: Int
sort: [SortInput!]
): EventsPagination!
favicon: ActiveStorageAttachment
favicon_url: String @deprecated
id: ID!
): Form!
forms: [Form!]!
query: String!
): SearchResult!
hidden: Boolean!
id: ID!
language: String!
liquidAssigns: [LiquidAssign!]!
location: Json
mailing_lists: MailingLists!
maximum_event_signups: ScheduledValue @deprecated
maximum_tickets: Int
my_profile: UserConProfile
my_signup_ranked_choices: [SignupRankedChoice!]!
my_signup_requests: [SignupRequest!]!
my_signups: [Signup!]!
name: String!
notification_templates: [NotificationTemplate!]!
eventKey: String!
): [LiquidAssign!]!
open_graph_image: ActiveStorageAttachment
open_graph_image_url: String @deprecated
id: ID!
): Order!
filters: OrderFiltersInput
page: Int
per_page: Int
sort: [SortInput!]
): OrdersPagination!
organization: Organization
pre_schedule_content_html: String
content: String!
): String!
eventId: ID
eventProposalId: ID
markdown: String!
): String!
content: String!
eventKey: String!
): String!
id: ID!
): Product!
only_available: Boolean
only_ticket_providing: Boolean
): [Product!]!
reports: ConventionReports!
rooms: [Room!]!
rootPage: Page!
id: ID!
): Run!
filters: RunFiltersInput
page: Int
per_page: Int
sort: [SortInput!]
): RunsPagination!
show_event_list: ShowSchedule
show_schedule: ShowSchedule
id: ID!
): Signup!
signup_automation_mode: SignupAutomationMode!
filters: SignupChangeFiltersInput
page: Int
per_page: Int
sort: [SortInput!]
): SignupChangesPagination!
signup_counts_by_state: [SignupCountByState!]!
signup_mode: SignupMode!
signup_requests_open: Boolean!
filters: SignupRequestFiltersInput
page: Int
per_page: Int
sort: [SortInput!]
): SignupRequestsPagination!
id: ID!
): SignupRound!
signup_rounds: [SignupRound!]!
site_mode: SiteMode!
id: ID!
): StaffPosition!
staff_positions: [StaffPosition!]!
starts_at: Date
stripe_account: StripeAccount
stripe_account_id: String
stripe_account_ready_to_charge: Boolean!
stripe_publishable_key: String
ticketNamePlural: String!
ticket_mode: TicketMode!
ticket_name: String!
ticket_types: [TicketType!]!
tickets_available_for_purchase: Boolean!
timezone_mode: TimezoneMode!
timezone_name: String
name: String
): [CmsContent!]!
updated_at: Date
id: ID!
): UserActivityAlert!
user_activity_alerts: [UserActivityAlert!]!
id: ID!
): UserConProfile!
userId: ID!
): UserConProfile!
user_con_profile_form: Form!
filters: UserConProfileFiltersInput
page: Int
per_page: Int
sort: [SortInput!]
): UserConProfilesPagination!


Convention.accepting_proposals ● Boolean scalar

Is this convention currently accepting event proposals?

Convention.bio_eligible_user_con_profiles ● [UserConProfile!]! non-null object

User profiles in this convention that can have a bio (because they're staff or event team members).

Convention.canceled ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Is this convention canceled?

Convention.catch_all_staff_position ● StaffPosition object

If this convention's email_mode is set to staff_emails_to_catch_all, all email sent to staff position email addresses at this convention will be forwarded to this staff position.

Convention.clickwrap_agreement ● String scalar

A clickwrap agreement, in Liquid format. If present, users will have to agree to this before they're allowed to use the web site.

Convention.clickwrap_agreement_html ● String scalar

The value of clickwrap_agreement, rendered as HTML.

Convention.cmsContentGroup ● CmsContentGroup! non-null object

Finds a CMS content group by ID within the domain name of this HTTP request. If there is no CMS content group with that ID, or the CMS content group is associated with a different domain name, errors out. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the CMS content group to find.

Convention.cmsContentGroups ● [CmsContentGroup!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS content groups within the current domain.

Convention.cmsFiles ● [CmsFile!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS files within the current domain.

Convention.cmsGraphqlQueries ● [CmsGraphqlQuery!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS GraphQL queries within the current domain.

Convention.cmsLayouts ● [CmsLayout!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS layouts within the current domain.

Convention.cmsNavigationItems ● [CmsNavigationItem!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS navigation items within the current domain.

Convention.cmsPage ● Page! non-null object

Finds a CMS page within the domain name of this HTTP request. Exactly one of the three optional arguments (id, slug, and rootPage) must be specified. These each represent a different way of finding a page. If the desired page can't be found within the current domain name, errors out. ● ID scalar

The ID of the page to find.

Convention.cmsPage.rootPage ● Boolean scalar

If true, returns the root page for this domain.

Convention.cmsPage.slug ● String scalar

The unique slug of the page to find.

Convention.cmsPages ● [Page!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS pages within the current domain.

Convention.cmsPartials ● [CmsPartial!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS partials within the current domain.

Convention.cmsVariables ● [CmsVariable!]! non-null object

Returns all CMS variables within the current domain. ● Coupon! non-null object

Find a coupon by ID. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the coupon to find.

Convention.coupons_paginated ● CouponsPagination! non-null object

Convention.coupons_paginated.filters ● CouponFiltersInput input

Filters to restrict what items will appear in the result set. ● Int scalar

The page number to return from the result set. Page numbers start with 1.

Convention.coupons_paginated.per_page ● Int scalar

The number of items to return per page. Defaults to 20, can go up to 200.

Convention.coupons_paginated.sort ● [SortInput!] list input

A set of fields to use for ordering the result set. The second field is used as a tiebreaker for the first, the third field is used as a tiebreaker for the first two, and so on. If the sort argument is missing or empty, the order of items will be left up to the database (and may be unpredictable).

Convention.created_at ● Date scalar

When this convention was created.

Convention.defaultLayout ● CmsLayout! non-null object

Returns the default CMS layout used in this domain.

Convention.default_currency_code ● String scalar

The ISO 4217 currency code used by default for products in this convention. If null, defaults to USD.

Convention.departments ● [Department!]! non-null object

All the departments in this convention.

Convention.domain ● String scalar

The domain name used for serving this convention web site.

Convention.effectiveCmsLayout ● CmsLayout! non-null object

Returns the CMS layout to be used for a particular URL path within the current domain. (This will be the page-specific layout if the URL corresponds to a page with a layout override, or the default layout for the domain otherwise.)

Convention.effectiveCmsLayout.path ● String! non-null scalar

The path to find the effective layout for.

Convention.email_from ● String! non-null scalar

The default address that site emails will be sent from.

Convention.email_mode ● EmailMode! non-null enum

How this convention site will handle incoming emails to its domain.

Convention.ends_at ● Date scalar

When this convention ends.

Convention.event ● Event! non-null object

Finds an active event by ID in this convention. If there is no event with that ID in this convention, or the event is no longer active, errors out. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the event to find

Convention.event_categories ● [EventCategory!]! non-null object

All the EventCategories in this convention.

Convention.event_categories.current_ability_can_read_event_proposals ● Boolean scalar

If true, will only return EventCategories where the current user is allowed to read event proposals.

Convention.event_mailing_list_domain ● String scalar

If present, the site will automatically offer to set up forwarding email addresses for event teams under this domain.

Convention.event_proposal ● EventProposal! non-null object

Finds an event proposal by ID in this convention. If there is no event proposal with that ID in this convention, errors out. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the event proposal to find.

Convention.event_proposals_paginated ● EventProposalsPagination! non-null object

Convention.event_proposals_paginated.filters ● EventProposalFiltersInput input

Filters to restrict what items will appear in the result set. ● Int scalar

The page number to return from the result set. Page numbers start with 1.

Convention.event_proposals_paginated.per_page ● Int scalar

The number of items to return per page. Defaults to 20, can go up to 200.

Convention.event_proposals_paginated.sort ● [SortInput!] list input

A set of fields to use for ordering the result set. The second field is used as a tiebreaker for the first, the third field is used as a tiebreaker for the first two, and so on. If the sort argument is missing or empty, the order of items will be left up to the database (and may be unpredictable). ● [Event!]! non-null object

Returns all active events in convention associated with the domain name of this HTTP request. Filterable by a range of start/finish times.

CAUTION: this query can return a lot of data and take a long time. Please be careful when using it. ● EventFiltersInput input

If present, filters the returned events. ● Date scalar

If present, only returns events that occur earlier than this time (non-inclusive.) These events may end after this time, but start before it. ● Boolean scalar

If true, includes dropped events in addition to active events. ● Date scalar

If present, only returns events that occur at this time or later. (These events may have started before that time, but will still be ongoing during it.)

Convention.events_paginated ● EventsPagination! non-null object

Convention.events_paginated.filters ● EventFiltersInput input

Filters to restrict what items will appear in the result set. ● Int scalar

The page number to return from the result set. Page numbers start with 1.

Convention.events_paginated.per_page ● Int scalar

The number of items to return per page. Defaults to 20, can go up to 200.

Convention.events_paginated.sort ● [SortInput!] list input

A set of fields to use for ordering the result set. The second field is used as a tiebreaker for the first, the third field is used as a tiebreaker for the first two, and so on. If the sort argument is missing or empty, the order of items will be left up to the database (and may be unpredictable).

Convention.favicon ● ActiveStorageAttachment object

The favicon that will be served to browsers on this site.

Convention.favicon_url ● String deprecated scalar


Please use the favicon field instead.

Convention.form ● Form! non-null object

Finds a form by ID in this convention. If there is no form with that ID in this convention, errors out. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the form to find.

Convention.forms ● [Form!]! non-null object

All the forms in this convention.

Convention.fullTextSearch ● SearchResult! non-null object

Does a full-text search within this domain.

Convention.fullTextSearch.query ● String! non-null scalar

The text to search for.

Convention.hidden ● Boolean! non-null scalar

If true, this convention will not be listed in CMS content on the root site. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of this convention.

Convention.language ● String! non-null scalar

The language to use for localized content in this site.

Convention.liquidAssigns ● [LiquidAssign!]! non-null object

Returns all the Liquid assigns for regular CMS page rendering in the current domain name. This is a combination of globally-accessible Liquid assigns and domain-specific user-defined CMS variables.

Convention.location ● Json scalar

The physical location of the convention, in Mapbox format.

Convention.mailing_lists ● MailingLists! non-null object

A sub-object for accessing this convention's autogenerated mailing lists.

Convention.maximum_event_signups ● ScheduledValue deprecated object


Please use SignupRound instead

The schedule of how many signups are allowed in this convention and when.

Convention.maximum_tickets ● Int scalar

The maximum number of tickets this convention can sell.

Convention.my_profile ● UserConProfile object

Returns the convention-specific profile for the current user within this convention. If no user is signed in, returns null.

Convention.my_signup_ranked_choices ● [SignupRankedChoice!]! non-null object

Returns all signup ranked choices for the current user within this convention. If no user is signed in, returns an empty array.

Convention.my_signup_requests ● [SignupRequest!]! non-null object

Returns all signup requests for the current user within this convention. If no user is signed in, returns an empty array.

Convention.my_signups ● [Signup!]! non-null object

Returns all signups for the current user within this convention. If no user is signed in, returns an empty array. ● String! non-null scalar

The name of this convention.

Convention.notification_templates ● [NotificationTemplate!]! non-null object

All the NotificationTemplates in this convention.

Convention.notifier_liquid_assigns ● [LiquidAssign!]! non-null object

Returns all the Liquid assigns for rendering a particular notification event in this convention. This is a combination of globally-accessible Liquid assigns, values specific to that notification event, and convention-specific user-defined CMS variables.

Convention.notifier_liquid_assigns.eventKey ● String! non-null scalar

The key of the notification event to use for generating assigns.

Convention.open_graph_image ● ActiveStorageAttachment object

The image that will be served from this site using the <meta property="og:image"> tag. For more information about OpenGraph, see

Convention.open_graph_image_url ● String deprecated scalar


Please use the open_graph_image field instead.

Convention.order ● Order! non-null object

Find an order by ID. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the order to find.

Convention.orders_paginated ● OrdersPagination! non-null object

Convention.orders_paginated.filters ● OrderFiltersInput input

Filters to restrict what items will appear in the result set. ● Int scalar

The page number to return from the result set. Page numbers start with 1.

Convention.orders_paginated.per_page ● Int scalar

The number of items to return per page. Defaults to 20, can go up to 200.

Convention.orders_paginated.sort ● [SortInput!] list input

A set of fields to use for ordering the result set. The second field is used as a tiebreaker for the first, the third field is used as a tiebreaker for the first two, and so on. If the sort argument is missing or empty, the order of items will be left up to the database (and may be unpredictable).

Convention.organization ● Organization object

The organization in charge of this convention.

Convention.pre_schedule_content_html ● String scalar

If present, a block of HTML content to show above the schedule on various schedule pages.

Convention.previewLiquid ● String! non-null scalar

Given a Liquid text string, renders it to HTML and returns the result.

Convention.previewLiquid.content ● String! non-null scalar

The Liquid content to render.

Convention.previewMarkdown ● String! non-null scalar

Given a Markdown text string, renders it to HTML and returns the result.

Convention.previewMarkdown.eventId ● ID scalar

The event ID that this Markdown will apply to, if applicable.

Convention.previewMarkdown.eventProposalId ● ID scalar

The event proposal ID that this Markdown will apply to, if applicable.

Convention.previewMarkdown.markdown ● String! non-null scalar

The Markdown content to render.

Convention.preview_notifier_liquid ● String! non-null scalar

Given a Liquid text string and a notification event, renders the Liquid to HTML using the current domain's CMS context as if it were the content for that notification type.

Convention.preview_notifier_liquid.content ● String! non-null scalar

The Liquid content to render.

Convention.preview_notifier_liquid.eventKey ● String! non-null scalar

The key of the notification event to use for generating the preview.

Convention.product ● Product! non-null object

Finds a product by ID in this convention. If there is no product with that ID in this convention, errors out. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the product to find.

Convention.products ● [Product!]! non-null object

Returns the products in this convention.

Convention.products.only_available ● Boolean scalar

If true, only returns products that are currently available for purchase.

Convention.products.only_ticket_providing ● Boolean scalar

If true, only returns products that provide the buyer a ticket to this convention.

Convention.reports ● ConventionReports! non-null object

A sub-object containing various reports that can be generated for this convention.

Convention.rooms ● [Room!]! non-null object

All the rooms in this convention.

Convention.rootPage ● Page! non-null object

The CMS page used for the root path (/) of this domain. ● Run! non-null object

Finds an active run by ID in this convention. If there is no run with that ID in this convention, or the run's event is no longer active, errors out. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the run to find

Convention.runs_paginated ● RunsPagination! non-null object

Convention.runs_paginated.filters ● RunFiltersInput input

Filters to restrict what items will appear in the result set. ● Int scalar

The page number to return from the result set. Page numbers start with 1.

Convention.runs_paginated.per_page ● Int scalar

The number of items to return per page. Defaults to 20, can go up to 200.

Convention.runs_paginated.sort ● [SortInput!] list input

A set of fields to use for ordering the result set. The second field is used as a tiebreaker for the first, the third field is used as a tiebreaker for the first two, and so on. If the sort argument is missing or empty, the order of items will be left up to the database (and may be unpredictable).

Convention.show_event_list ● ShowSchedule enum

Who can currently see the event catalog?

Convention.show_schedule ● ShowSchedule enum

Who can currently see the event schedule?

Convention.signup ● Signup! non-null object

Finds a signup by ID in this convention. If there is no signup with that ID in this convention, errors out. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the signup to find.

Convention.signup_automation_mode ● SignupAutomationMode! non-null enum

The type of signup automation used for this convention.

Convention.signup_changes_paginated ● SignupChangesPagination! non-null object

Convention.signup_changes_paginated.filters ● SignupChangeFiltersInput input

Filters to restrict what items will appear in the result set. ● Int scalar

The page number to return from the result set. Page numbers start with 1.

Convention.signup_changes_paginated.per_page ● Int scalar

The number of items to return per page. Defaults to 20, can go up to 200.

Convention.signup_changes_paginated.sort ● [SortInput!] list input

A set of fields to use for ordering the result set. The second field is used as a tiebreaker for the first, the third field is used as a tiebreaker for the first two, and so on. If the sort argument is missing or empty, the order of items will be left up to the database (and may be unpredictable).

Convention.signup_counts_by_state ● [SignupCountByState!]! non-null object

Convention.signup_mode ● SignupMode! non-null enum

The signup mode used for this convention.

Convention.signup_requests_open ● Boolean! non-null scalar

In a moderated-signup convention, are signup requests currently allowed?

Convention.signup_requests_paginated ● SignupRequestsPagination! non-null object

Convention.signup_requests_paginated.filters ● SignupRequestFiltersInput input

Filters to restrict what items will appear in the result set. ● Int scalar

The page number to return from the result set. Page numbers start with 1.

Convention.signup_requests_paginated.per_page ● Int scalar

The number of items to return per page. Defaults to 20, can go up to 200.

Convention.signup_requests_paginated.sort ● [SortInput!] list input

A set of fields to use for ordering the result set. The second field is used as a tiebreaker for the first, the third field is used as a tiebreaker for the first two, and so on. If the sort argument is missing or empty, the order of items will be left up to the database (and may be unpredictable).

Convention.signup_round ● SignupRound! non-null object

Finds a signup round by ID in this convention. If there is no signup round with that ID in this convention, errors out. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the signup round to find.

Convention.signup_rounds ● [SignupRound!]! non-null object

The signup rounds in this convention.

Convention.site_mode ● SiteMode! non-null enum

The mode this convention site is operating in.

Convention.staff_position ● StaffPosition! non-null object

Finds a staff position by ID in this convention. If there is no staff position with that ID in this convention, errors out. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the staff position to find.

Convention.staff_positions ● [StaffPosition!]! non-null object

All the staff positions in this convention.

Convention.starts_at ● Date scalar

When this convention starts.

Convention.stripe_account ● StripeAccount object

The Stripe account this convention uses for payments.

Convention.stripe_account_id ● String scalar

The ID of the Stripe account this convention uses for payments.

Convention.stripe_account_ready_to_charge ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Is this convention's Stripe account in a state where the convention can accept payments?

Convention.stripe_publishable_key ● String scalar

The publishable key of this convention's Stripe account.

Convention.ticketNamePlural ● String! non-null scalar

The word this convention uses for 'tickets'.

Convention.ticket_mode ● TicketMode! non-null enum

The mode used for ticket behaviors in this convention.

Convention.ticket_name ● String! non-null scalar

The word this convention uses for 'ticket'.

Convention.ticket_types ● [TicketType!]! non-null object

All the ticket types in this convention.

Convention.tickets_available_for_purchase ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Can users currently buy tickets to this convention?

Convention.timezone_mode ● TimezoneMode! non-null enum

The mode used for time zone display and time conversion behavior in this site.

Convention.timezone_name ● String scalar

The home time zone of this convention.

Convention.typeaheadSearchCmsContent ● [CmsContent!]! non-null union

Finds CMS content by partial name, case-insensitive, within the current domain's CMS content. For example, in a convention that has a partial called attendee_profile and a page called info_for_attendees, a search for attendee would return both of these.

This query is always limited to a maximum of 10 results. ● String scalar

The partial name to search by. If not specified, returns all CMS content within the current domain (limited to 10 results).

Convention.updated_at ● Date scalar

When this convention was last modified.

Convention.user_activity_alert ● UserActivityAlert! non-null object

Find a UserActivityAlert by ID. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the UserActivityAlert to find.

Convention.user_activity_alerts ● [UserActivityAlert!]! non-null object

All the UserActivityAlerts in this convention.

Convention.user_con_profile ● UserConProfile! non-null object

Finds a UserConProfile by ID in the convention associated with this convention. If there is no UserConProfile with that ID in this convention, errors out. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the UserConProfile to find.

Convention.user_con_profile_by_user_id ● UserConProfile! non-null object

Finds a UserConProfile by user ID in the convention associated with this convention. If there is no UserConProfile with that user ID in this convention, errors out.

Convention.user_con_profile_by_user_id.userId ● ID! non-null scalar

The user ID of the UserConProfile to find.

Convention.user_con_profile_form ● Form! non-null object

The form used for user profiles in this convention.

Convention.user_con_profiles_paginated ● UserConProfilesPagination! non-null object

Convention.user_con_profiles_paginated.filters ● UserConProfileFiltersInput input

Filters to restrict what items will appear in the result set. ● Int scalar

The page number to return from the result set. Page numbers start with 1.

Convention.user_con_profiles_paginated.per_page ● Int scalar

The number of items to return per page. Defaults to 20, can go up to 200.

Convention.user_con_profiles_paginated.sort ● [SortInput!] list input

A set of fields to use for ordering the result set. The second field is used as a tiebreaker for the first, the third field is used as a tiebreaker for the first two, and so on. If the sort argument is missing or empty, the order of items will be left up to the database (and may be unpredictable).


CmsParent interface

A CMS parent is a web site managed by Intercode. It acts as a container for CMS content, such as pages, partials, files, layouts, variables, content groups, and user-defined GraphQL queries.

Most CMS parents are conventions, so their content will be convention-specific and scoped to that convention's domain name. The exception to this is the root site, which is what Intercode renders when there is no convention associated with the current domain name. (See the RootSite object for more details about this.)

Returned By

conventionByDomain query ● conventionById query ● conventionByRequestHost query ● conventionByRequestHostIfPresent query

Member Of

ConventionsPagination object ● Coupon object ● CreateConventionPayload object ● Event object ● EventCategory object ● EventProposal object ● Form object ● Organization object ● Product object ● SetConventionCanceledPayload object ● SignupRound object ● Ticket object ● TicketType object ● UpdateConventionPayload object ● UserActivityAlert object ● UserConProfile object

Implemented By

PermissionedModel union ● TicketTypeParent union