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Available variables

Intercode makes a set of variables available globally for use in templates. These contain a great deal of additional accessible data. Here's a list of variables that may be available in templates. For those that are only present under certain conditions, we've documented those conditions.

Built-in variables

content_for_head (String)

Present only in layouts.

The HTML content that must be in the <head> of the document in order for Intercode to work correctly.

The <head> tag in a layout
{{ content_for_head }}

content_for_layout (String)

Present only in layouts.

The HTML content to render the main content of the page. Can be placed anywhere within the <body> of the document.

The main body container in a layout
<div class="container">{{ content_for_layout }}</div>

content_for_navbar (String)

Present only in layouts.

The HTML content to render the navigation bar. Can be placed anywhere within the <body> of the document.

The body in a layout, showing the placement of the navbar
{{ content_for_navbar }} ...

convention (ConventionDrop)

Present only within a convention site.

The convention this template is part of.

Using the convention name in site content
Hello and welcome to {{ }}!

conventions (Array<ConventionDrop>)

An array of all conventions in this instance of Intercode.

event (EventDrop)

Present only within an event page in a convention site.

If rendering an event page, the event that this URL points to.

Since events can't use full-fledged Liquid templates (only Markdown with a few Liquid-based extensions), you may wonder why this could possibly be useful. This variable is still available to the layout template for that event page. This can be useful for things like rendering meta tags so that links to events will show up properly in social media. In prior versions of Intercode, admins would have to include a snippet of code that rendered OpenGraph tags properly so that Facebook, Twitter, etc. could link to the name of the event. This is no longer the case; these tags are automatically generated as part of content_for_head.

So I guess what I'm trying to say here is, this might not possibly be useful anymore 🙃

page (PageDrop)

Present only if the template is a CMS page, or a layout or partial used by that page.

The current CMS page being rendered.

organizations (Array<OrganizationDrop>)

An array of all organizations in this instance of Intercode.

user (UserDrop)

The user currently viewing this template. If no user is logged in, this value will be null.

Greeting the user
{% if user %}
Welcome, {{ }}!
{% else %}
Please log in to be greeted!
{% endif %}

user_con_profile (UserConProfileDrop)

Present only within a convention site.

The convention profile, within this convention site, of the user currently viewing this template. If no user is logged in, this value will be null.

Showing the user's bio
{% if user_con_profile %}
Your bio: {{ }}
{% else %}
You have to be logged in to have a bio
{% endif %}

CMS variables

In addition to these built-in variables, admins can set additional convention-specific variables. These are made available to all templates within that convention. For example, you might set a CMS variable called background_color with the value #ff00ff (if you hated your users).

You could then use it like this:

Horrible magenta background layout
<!DOCTYPE html>
{{ content_for_head }}
<style type="text/css">
body {
background-color: {{ background_color }};
{{ content_for_navbar }}
<div class="container">{{ content_for_layout }}</div>