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The convention itself


accepting_proposals (Boolean)

Whether or not the convention is currently accepting event proposals

attendance_by_payment_amount (Array<Hash>)

An attendance-by-payment-amount report. Each item in the report has values at the keys "ticket_type", "payment_amount", "count", and "total_amount". The report is grouped by "ticket_type" and "payment_amount". For convenience, "total_amount" is provided and is the "payment_amount" multiplied by the "count" for this row.

available_products (Array<ProductDrop>)

Products in this convention that are available for purchase

bio_eligible_user_con_profiles (Array<UserConProfileDrop>)

UserConProfiles in this convention that can have a bio

canceled (Boolean)

Whether or not the convention is canceled

departments_by_name (Array<DepartmentDrop>)

Departments at the convention, accessible by name (lowercased and underscored)

ended (Boolean)

Whether or not the convention has already ended

ends_at (ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)

The time at which this convention ends

event_categories (Array<EventCategoryDrop>)

Event categories at the convention

event_mailing_list_domain (String)

The domain name this convention uses for automatically-generated event mailing lists

events (Array<EventDrop>)

Events at the convention

events_created_since (EventsCreatedSinceDrop)

A structure that lets you access just the events created since a certain time. This is much more efficient than using the events method and filtering by created_at.

Retrieving the events created since a certain date
{{ convention.events_created_since["2018-11-03T00:00:00-05:00"] }}
Retrieving the events created since the last signup round opened
{{ convention.events_created_since[convention.maximum_event_signups.current_value_change] }}

id (Integer)

The numeric database id of the convention

location (Hash)

A hash value representing this convention's location, suitable for passing to the {% map %} tag

maximum_event_signups (ScheduledValueDrop)

The schedule of maximum event signups for this convention

name (String)

The name of the convention

non_volunteer_runs_with_openings (Array<RunDrop>)

Runs of non-volunteer events in this convention that have any available slots in limited buckets

organization (OrganizationDrop)

The organization running this convention

products (Array<ProductDrop>)

All products in this convention


run_availabilities (Array<RunAvailabilityDrop>)

Run availabilities for this convention

run_availabilities_with_any_slots (Array<RunAvailabilityDrop>)

Run availabilities for this convention with any slots (counted or not-counted) available

run_availabilities_with_counted_slots (Array<RunAvailabilityDrop>)

Run availabilities for this convention with counted slots available

run_availabilities_with_not_counted_slots (Array<RunAvailabilityDrop>)

Run availabilities for this convention with not-counted slots available

runs (Array<RunDrop>)

Event runs at the convention

runs_created_since (RunsCreatedSince)

A structure that lets you access just the runs created since a certain time. This is much more efficient than using the runs method and filtering by created_at.

Retrieving the runs created since a certain date
{{ convention.runs_created_since["2018-11-03T00:00:00-05:00"] }}
Retrieving the runs created since the last signup round opened
{{ convention.runs_created_since[convention.maximum_event_signups.current_value_change] }}

runs_with_openings (Array<RunDrop>)

Runs of events in this convention that have any available slots in limited buckets

sales_by_payment_amount (Array<Hash>)

A sales-by-payment-amount report. Each item in the report has values at the keys "product", "status", "payment_amount", "count", and "total_amount". The report is grouped by "product", "status" and "payment_amount". For convenience, "total_amount" is provided and is the "payment_amount" multiplied by the "count" for this row.

Please note that this potentially includes booked-but-unpaid sales. If you don't want those, be sure to filter them out in your template.

show_event_list (String)

"no", "priv", "gms", or "yes" depending on who the event list is visible to

show_schedule (String)

"no", "priv", "gms", or "yes" depending on who the schedule is visible to

staff_positions (Array<StaffPositionDrop>)

All staff positions in this convention

staff_positions_by_name (Hash<String, StaffPositionDrop>)

All staff positions in this convention, indexed by name (all lowercase, spaces replaced with underscores)

Retrieving the vendor liaison email address for a convention
{{ }}

started (Boolean)

Whether or not the convention has already started

starts_at (ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)

The time at which this convention starts

ticket_counts_by_type (Hash<String, Integer>)

The number of tickets that have been issued in this convention, indexed by ticket type name

Retrieving the count of weekend tickets for a convention
{{ convention.ticket_counts_by_type.weekend }}

ticket_mode (String)

How tickets are handled in this convention (possible values are 'disabled' and 'required_for_signup')

ticket_name (String)

The name this convention uses for "tickets"

ticket_types (Array<TicketTypeDrop>)

All ticket types for this convention

timespan (ScheduledValue::TimespanDrop)

The time span of the convention

url (String)

The root URL for this convention