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A profile for a user attending a convention. This is the main object used for all user-specific data in a convention, rather than User, which is just the sitewide account data shared between all conventions.


bio (String)

The user's bio, as HTML

bio_name (String)

The name used for the user's bio, which will either include a nickname or not depending on their preference

email (String)

The user's email address

event_proposals (Array<EventProposalDrop>)

All the event proposals this user submitted for this convention

first_name (String)

The user's first name

form_response (Hash)

The user's response to the profile form set up by this convention. This includes the fields that the user themselves can see; admin-only fields will be replaced with a "this is hidden" message.

gravatar_url (String)

The URL of the user's Gravatar

ical_secret (String)

The user's iCal secret for this convention (used in the {% add_to_calendar_dropdown %} tag)

id (Integer)

The numeric database ID of the user profile

last_name (String)

The user's last name

name (String)

The user's name, including nickname if present

name_inverted (String)

The user's name in "Last, First" format

name_without_nickname (String)

The user's name, not including nickname

nickname (String)

The nickname the user entered on their profile

privileges (Array<String>)

The user's privileges for this convention

schedule_calendar_url (String)

A webcal:// URL for the user's personal schedule for this convention. This URL is considered secret and should only be given to that user.

signups (Array<SignupDrop>)

All the user's signups, excluding withdrawn events

staff_positions (Array<StaffPositionDrop>)

All the staff positions this user holds at this convention

team_member_events (Array<EventDrop>)

All the active events at this convention for which this user is a team member

ticket (TicketDrop)

The user's convention ticket, if present