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An event in a convention. Events can have one or more runs, depending on their category.


age_restrictions (String)

The age restrictions for this event, rendered to HTML

author (String)

The author of this event

category (String)

The legacy category key of the event (e.g. "larp", "party", "tabletop_rpg")

content_warnings (String)

The content warnings for this event, rendered to HTML

created_at (ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)

The time at which this event was first created in the database (either by being accepted as a proposal, or) by being created manually by con staff

description (String)

The description of this event, rendered to HTML

email (String)

The contact email address for this event

event_proposal (EventProposalDrop)

The proposal associated with this event, if this event went through the proposal process

first_run_starts_at (ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)

The time at which the earliest run of this event starts

form_response (Hash)

This event, represented as a response to the event form set up for this event category. This only includes publicly-visible fields; fields not visible to the public will be replaced with a "this is hidden" message.

history_url (String)

The relative URL to use for linking to the change log for this event

homepage_url (String)

The external URL for this event, if its team provided one

id (Integer)

The numeric database id of the event

organization (String)

The organization running this event

participant_communications (String)

The participant communication info for this event, rendered to HTML

runs (Array<RunDrop>)

The runs of this event

short_blurb (String)

The short blurb for this event, rendered to HTML

team_member_name (String)

The name to use for "team members" in this event (e.g. "GM", "panelist")

team_member_user_con_profiles (Array<UserConProfileDrop>)

The UserConProfiles of this event's team members

title (String)

The title of the event

url (String)

The relative URL to use for linking to this event on this site