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Reports that can be queried against a convention.

type ConventionReports {
event_provided_tickets: [EventProvidedTicketList!]!
events_by_choice: [EventWithChoiceCounts!]!
sales_count_by_product_and_payment_amount: [SalesCountByProductAndPaymentAmount!]!
orderStatuses: [OrderStatus!]
productIds: [ID!]
): Money!
ticket_count_by_type_and_payment_amount: [TicketCountByTypeAndPaymentAmount!]! @deprecated
total_revenue: Money! @deprecated


ConventionReports.event_provided_tickets ● [EventProvidedTicketList!]! non-null object

A report of all tickets provided by events at this convention.

ConventionReports.events_by_choice ● [EventWithChoiceCounts!]! non-null object

A report of events people signed up for along with which numbered choice they were for that person.

ConventionReports.sales_count_by_product_and_payment_amount ● [SalesCountByProductAndPaymentAmount!]! non-null object

A breakdown of all product and ticket sales in this convention.

ConventionReports.sum_revenue ● Money! non-null object

The total revenue taken in by this convention, optionally filtered by various parameters.

ConventionReports.sum_revenue.orderStatuses ● [OrderStatus!] list enum

If specified, only counts revenue from orders with these statuses.

ConventionReports.sum_revenue.productIds ● [ID!] list scalar

If specified, only counts revenue from these products.

ConventionReports.ticket_count_by_type_and_payment_amount ● [TicketCountByTypeAndPaymentAmount!]! deprecated non-null object


This only takes ticket sales into account. Please use the sales_count_by_product_and_payment_amount field instead.

ConventionReports.total_revenue ● Money! deprecated non-null object


This only takes ticket sales into account. Please use the sum_revenue field instead.

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Convention object