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In a ranked-choice signup convention, SignupRankedChoices are the items in a user's signup queue. Users may have as many of these as they like. When SignupRounds open, Intercode will automatically attempt to sign users up for the number of events they're allowed at this time based on their SignupRankedChoices.

type SignupRankedChoice {
created_at: Date!
id: ID!
priority: Int!
ranked_choice_decisions: [RankedChoiceDecision!]!
requested_bucket_key: String
result_signup: Signup
result_signup_request: SignupRequest
state: SignupRankedChoiceState!
target_run: Run!
updated_at: Date!
updated_by: User!
user_con_profile: UserConProfile!


SignupRankedChoice.created_at ● Date! non-null scalar

The time this choice was added to the user's queue ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of this SignupRankedChoice

SignupRankedChoice.priority ● Int! non-null scalar

The priority of this choice (lower numbers are higher priority)

SignupRankedChoice.ranked_choice_decisions ● [RankedChoiceDecision!]! non-null object

All the automated decisions that have been made about this choice

SignupRankedChoice.requested_bucket_key ● String scalar

The bucket that this choice is trying to sign up in (or null, if it's a no-preference signup)

SignupRankedChoice.result_signup ● Signup object

The resulting Signup from processing this choice, if it has been processed

SignupRankedChoice.result_signup_request ● SignupRequest object

The resulting SignupRequest from processing this choice, if it has been processed (and is in a moderated-signup convention)

SignupRankedChoice.state ● SignupRankedChoiceState! non-null enum

The current processing state of this choice (e.g. pending, accepted)

SignupRankedChoice.target_run ● Run! non-null object

The event run that this choice is trying to sign up for

SignupRankedChoice.updated_at ● Date! non-null scalar

The last time this choice was modified

SignupRankedChoice.updated_by ● User! non-null object

The user who last updated this choice

SignupRankedChoice.user_con_profile ● UserConProfile! non-null object

The user whose queue this choice is part of

Member Of

Convention object ● CreateSignupRankedChoicePayload object ● DeleteSignupRankedChoicePayload object ● RankedChoiceDecision object ● Run object ● SignupRequest object ● UpdateSignupRankedChoicePriorityPayload object ● UserConProfile object