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A UserConProfile is a user's profile in a particular convention web site. Most convention-level objects are attached to the UserConProfile (e.g. signups, event team memberships, staff positions, etc.).

type UserConProfile {
ability: Ability
accepted_clickwrap_agreement: Boolean
address: String
bio: String
bio_html: String
bio_name: String
birth_date: Date
can_have_bio: Boolean!
can_override_maximum_event_provided_tickets: Boolean!
city: String
convention: Convention!
country: String
current_pending_order: Order
current_user_form_item_viewer_role: FormItemRole!
current_user_form_item_writer_role: FormItemRole!
email: String
first_name: String!
itemIdentifiers: [String!]
): Json
itemIdentifiers: [String!]
): Json
gravatar_enabled: Boolean!
gravatar_url: String!
ical_secret: String
id: ID!
last_name: String!
mobile_phone: String
name: String!
name_inverted: String!
name_without_nickname: String!
nickname: String
order_summary: String!
orders: [Order!]!
ranked_choice_allow_waitlist: Boolean!
ranked_choice_user_constraints: [RankedChoiceUserConstraint!]!
show_nickname_in_bio: Boolean
signup_ranked_choices: [SignupRankedChoice!]!
signup_requests: [SignupRequest!]!
signups: [Signup!]!
site_admin: Boolean!
staff_positions: [StaffPosition!]!
state: String
team_members: [TeamMember!]!
ticket: Ticket
user: User
user_id: ID!
zipcode: String


UserConProfile.ability ● Ability object

This user profile's permission set.

UserConProfile.accepted_clickwrap_agreement ● Boolean scalar

Has this user accepted the clickwrap agreement for this convention (if it has one)?

UserConProfile.address ● String scalar

The street address portion of this profile's mailing address. ● String scalar

The bio to display for this user profile, in Markdown format.

UserConProfile.bio_html ● String scalar

The bio to display for this user profile, rendered as HTML.

UserConProfile.bio_name ● String scalar

If present, overrides the name to use for this user profile in their bio display.

UserConProfile.birth_date ● Date scalar

This user profile's date of birth.

UserConProfile.can_have_bio ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Is this user allowed to display a bio on the web site (e.g. because they're a convention staff member or an event team member)?

UserConProfile.can_override_maximum_event_provided_tickets ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Does this user have permission to override the event-provided ticket thresholds in this convention? ● String scalar

The city portion of this profile's mailing address.

UserConProfile.convention ● Convention! non-null object

The convention this profile is attached to. ● String scalar

The country portion of this profile's mailing address.

UserConProfile.current_pending_order ● Order object

If this profile has a pending order, returns that order. Otherwise, returns null.

UserConProfile.current_user_form_item_viewer_role ● FormItemRole! non-null enum

UserConProfile.current_user_form_item_writer_role ● FormItemRole! non-null enum ● String scalar

This user profile's email address.

UserConProfile.first_name ● String! non-null scalar

This user profile's first name.

UserConProfile.form_response_attrs_json ● Json scalar

UserConProfile.form_response_attrs_json.itemIdentifiers ● [String!] list scalar

UserConProfile.form_response_attrs_json_with_rendered_markdown ● Json scalar

UserConProfile.form_response_attrs_json_with_rendered_markdown.itemIdentifiers ● [String!] list scalar

UserConProfile.gravatar_enabled ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Has this user enabled Gravatars for this profile?

UserConProfile.gravatar_url ● String! non-null scalar

The URL of this profile's Gravatar.

UserConProfile.ical_secret ● String scalar

The randomly-generated secret portion of the URL to use for fetching this profile's personal calendar. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of this profile.

UserConProfile.last_name ● String! non-null scalar

This user profile's last name.

UserConProfile.mobile_phone ● String scalar

This profile's mobile phone number. ● String! non-null scalar

This user profile's full name, including their nickname if present.

UserConProfile.name_inverted ● String! non-null scalar

This user profile's name in Last, First format.

UserConProfile.name_without_nickname ● String! non-null scalar

This user profile's full name, not including their nickname.

UserConProfile.nickname ● String scalar

This user profile's nickname.

UserConProfile.order_summary ● String! non-null scalar

A human-readable summary of all this profile's orders.

UserConProfile.orders ● [Order!]! non-null object

All the orders placed by this profile.

UserConProfile.ranked_choice_allow_waitlist ● Boolean! non-null scalar

If this user can't be signed up for any of their ranked choices, should the site waitlist them?

UserConProfile.ranked_choice_user_constraints ● [RankedChoiceUserConstraint!]! non-null object

All the constraints this profile has placed on the number of ranked choice signups they want.

UserConProfile.show_nickname_in_bio ● Boolean scalar

Should this profile's bio use the nickname as part of their name?

UserConProfile.signup_ranked_choices ● [SignupRankedChoice!]! non-null object

This user's ranked choice list for signups.

UserConProfile.signup_requests ● [SignupRequest!]! non-null object

All the signup requests made by this profile.

UserConProfile.signups ● [Signup!]! non-null object

All the event signups attached to this profile.

UserConProfile.site_admin ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Does this profile belong to a global site admin?

UserConProfile.staff_positions ● [StaffPosition!]! non-null object

All the staff positions this profile belongs to.

UserConProfile.state ● String scalar

The state portion of this profile's mailing address.

UserConProfile.team_members ● [TeamMember!]! non-null object

All the team memberships this profile is in.

UserConProfile.ticket ● Ticket object

This profile's convention ticket, if present.

UserConProfile.user ● User object

The user account attached to this profile.

UserConProfile.user_id ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the user account this profile belongs to.

This is a little bit of a weird thing to expose here; normally we'd just have people query for User, but access to that object is restricted. So if you need the user ID (e.g. to determine whether two profiles are the same person) but you don't necessarily have access to the User account, you can use this field.

UserConProfile.zipcode ● String scalar

The ZIP portion of this profile's mailing address.

Returned By

assumedIdentityFromProfile query

Member Of

AcceptClickwrapAgreementPayload object ● Convention object ● CreateUserConProfilePayload object ● DeleteUserConProfilePayload object ● EventProposal object ● FormResponseChange object ● NotificationDestination object ● Order object ● RankedChoiceDecision object ● RankedChoiceUserConstraint object ● Signup object ● SignupChange object ● SignupRankedChoice object ● SignupRequest object ● StaffPosition object ● TeamMember object ● Ticket object ● UpdateUserConProfilePayload object ● User object ● UserConProfilesPagination object ● WithdrawAllUserConProfileSignupsPayload object

Implemented By

SearchableModel union