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A ticket for this convention (which may allow its holder to sign up for events)


allows_event_signups (Boolean)

Whether or not this ticket allows its holder to sign up for events

charge_id (String)

The ID of the charge in the underlying payment processing system

created_at (ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)

The time at which this ticket was first created in the database

description (String)

The human-readable description of the type of this ticket

id (Integer)

The numeric database ID of this ticket

name (String)

The unique name of the type of this ticket

payment_amount (MoneyDrop)

The amount the person paid for the ticket

provided_by_event (EventDrop)

The event that provided this ticket, if applicable

ticket_type (TicketTypeDrop)

The type of this ticket

updated_at (ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)

The time at which this ticket was last updated in the database

user_con_profile (UserConProfileDrop)

The profile of the ticket holder