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A ScheduledValue represents a value that changes over time. For example, the convention's maximum allowed signups and the price of ticket types are ScheduledValues.


covers_all_time (Boolean)

Whether or not this ScheduledValue covers all possible times


The current value of this ScheduledValue (type may vary)

current_value_change (ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)

When the current value came into effect


What the value will be after it next changes (type may vary)

next_value_change (ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)

When the value will next change

now (ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)

The current time, as used for calculating the value of this ScheduledValue

timespans (Array<TimespanWithValueDrop>)

The timespans covered by this ScheduledValue, along with the value for that range of time

timezone (ActiveSupport::TimeZone)

The time zone used for calculating the value of this ScheduledValue