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An event proposal which, if accepted, has an event associated with it


additional_info (String)

Additional information the proposer wanted to provide

admin_url (String)

The relative URL for linking admins to view the proposal

can_play_concurrently (Boolean)

Whether or not the proposed event allows attendees to sign up for it along with other events happening at the same time

convention (ConventionDrop)

The convention this event is proposed for

created_at (DateTime)

When the proposal was first started

description (String)

The description of the proposed event

edit_url (String)

The relative URL for linking to edit the proposal

email (String)

The contact email for the proposed event

event (EventDrop)

The event created from this proposal, if this proposal has been accepted

event_category (EventCategoryDrop)

The category of event being proposed

form_response (Hash)

This proposal, represented as a response to the proposal form set up for this event category. This only includes always-visible fields; fields not visible to everyone who can see this proposal will be replaced with a "this is hidden" message.

history_url (String)

The relative URL for linking admins to the change history of the proposal

id (Integer)

The numeric database ID of this event proposal

length_seconds (Integer)

The length of the proposed event, in seconds

owner (UserConProfileDrop)

The profile of the person who submitted this event proposal

short_blurb (String)

The short blurb for the proposed event

status (String)

The status of this proposal (e.g. proposed, accepted, rejected, withdrawn)

title (String)

The title of the proposed event

updated_at (DateTime)

When the proposal was last modified