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A run of an event


created_at (ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)

The time at which this run was first created in the database (by being scheduled by con staff)

ends_at (ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)

The time at which this run ends

event (EventDrop)

The event this is a run of

event_url (String)

The relative URL to use for linking to the event's page on the convention site

id (Integer)

The numeric database ID of this run

length_seconds (Integer)

The length of this run in seconds

room_names (Array<String>)

The names of all rooms this run is scheduled in

signup_count_description (String)

A text description of the number of signups for this run, split out by state and bucket

starts_at (ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)

The time at which this run starts